If you’re looking for the perfect word game then look no further. We have the perfect baby shower game for you and your guests. Unscramble The Baby Words is a game that makes people think on the spot while they try to guess a number of scrambled words before the timer runs out. It’s a fun game that will get everyone excited as they race against the clock.
This is our guide on how to play Unscramble The Baby Words. So let’s go through everything you need to know about this baby shower game!
Aim of this Baby Shower Game:
The aim of Unscramble The Baby Words is to guess as many scrambled baby-related words as you can. But there’s an added level of pressure. You only have 5 minutes to guess them all!
What You’ll Need:
- a list of 15-20 scrambled baby-related words for each guest
- a pen for each guest
- a timer (a phone will do the trick)
How to Play:
The game doesn’t start until everyone is ready and the timer starts. The players must leave their list turned face down until the timer begins. When it begins players have 5 minutes to guess as many of the scrambled words as they can. The game ends when someone guesses all of their words right. If nobody completes all their words before the timer runs out then the person with the most words correct wins!
What You’ll Need To Do:
Before everyone arrives for the baby shower, you have to think of 15 to 20 baby-related words. Then, write the words on each guest’s list. But remember to scramble the letters. For example, RATTLER could be scrambled to become TELRATR. We have a list of words you can use below. When you have every list made up, place each one face down on a table and place a pen over it. Write a guest’s name on the back of each list so they’ll know it’s theirs. Then, when everyone is ready to begin, simply start the timer and wait.
How to Choose a Winner:
The winner is the person that completes all of their words first. If nobody is finished before the timer runs out then the winner is the person with the most unscrambled words.
Why Play This Baby Shower Game?:
Unscramble The Baby Words is a great game that puts all of the baby shower guests against each other. They must guess each of the scrambled words before the timer runs out. It’s a fun game because the timer adds pressure to the game. As if guessing the words isn’t hard enough.
List of Words You Can Use For This Baby Shower Game:
Rattler – Cradle – Bottle – Diaper – Pacifier – Mattress – Monitor – Feeding – Stroller – Car Seat – Bouncer – Mother – Father – Brother – Sister – Bathtime – Playtime – Clothes – Walking – Crawling
For more great games like this one, check out our website now. Click here.