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Baby Shower Sprinkles

Baby Shower Sprinkles

Baby Shower Sprinkles are parties held for second, third, fourth or more babies that come along after your firstborn. Sprinkle Parties have actually been around for a long time and have their roots in the 1900s. As they tend to be smaller, simpler, more intimate get togethers for close family and immediate friends they have taken their name from the ‘sprinkling’ of gifts. Most new parents already have all the supplies they need after their first baby which is why Sprinkles tend to be less focused on gift giving and more about gathering together.

However some Mums orry about the gift giving angle and feel guilty about guests feeling pressured to bring presents to a Sprinkle especially if their Baby Shower was in the not too distant past. Do you think it’s selfish to expect gifts when you already have the essentials from your first baby? Of course Sprinkles don’t have to include gifts and you can make this clear on your invitations. Should the social side of a Sprinkle with your loved ones coming together to share support, love and the excitement of a new baby outweigh any concerns over gift giving?

Celebrating a new addition to the family and all the excitement that comes with it is perfectly natural. Lots of Mums have mementos and photographs from their Baby Showers that their firstborns will look at in years to come and would like their other babies to have the same. After all why should all this be confined to the first child? What’s more friends and family love an occasion to show their delight and support to expectant Mums and their growing families.

Sprinkle parties may involve fewer guests with only nearest and dearest attending but they are just as special as Baby Showers for lots of reasons:

  • They let new Mums reconnect with loved ones and share the joy of expecting a new baby.

  • A Sprinkle party can be great if you know the sex of your baby and have discovered that the new arrival will be of the opposite gender to your first!

  • They are ideal if there is a big gap between your babies due to a time lapse. Parents expecting a baby some years after their firstborn often no longer own all the things they need for the new baby and Sprinkles can help kit them out. They are also a great way of showing support to older parents – and siblings!

  • Sprinkle parties are also popular amongst remarried couples with children who are expecting their very first child together.

I’d love to know what you think about Baby Shower Sprinkle parties and whether you would have one to celebrate having another baby or not!


Owner of Baby Shower Ireland

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